New funding opportunities for projects under the second call for proposals of the MED Programme and Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020

Ljubljana, 21 February 2017 – Following the launch of the second call for proposals under the MED Programme and the upcoming call for proposals under the Danube Transnational Programme Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy as the national authority for transnational programmes organised an information day on 16 February 2017 to highlight the specific elements of contents, outline administrative conditions and procedures, financial conditions and other relevant information concerning the second call for proposals under the MED and Danube Transnational Programmes.
Slovenia participates in five transnational cooperation programmes with an envelope of a total of EUR 873 million from the ERDF made available to participating countries in the period 2014-2020. The bulk of the budget is earmarked for co-financing joint projects of institutions from participating countries in the areas of innovation, low-carbon society, transport and energy, natural and cultural resources and support to macro-regional strategies.
Transnational programmes are half way through the call for proposals period: EUR 350 million from the ERDF has been committed, the project proposals which are currently being evaluated will have about EUR 170 million available, while upcoming calls for proposals provide an envelope of about EUR 350 million.
The results have been very promising for Slovenia so far. Slovenian partners are part of 128 projects out of 204 approved projects involving a total of 209 Slovenian institutions with 26 Slovenian institutions taking on the role of a lead partner. Slovenian partners are eligible to EUR 44 million under the signed contracts, of which EUR 37 million are provided by the ERDF.
The second call for proposals under the MED Programme is open from 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017. The second call for proposals under the Danube Transnational Programme should be launched in May 2017 or once the candidate countries and third countries sign financial agreements and the amended programming document enters into force. The application package has already been published and is available here
The second part of the event featured national control unit that delivered a seminar on reporting for Slovenian partners participating in already approved projects.
Information day presentations are available here