EUR 74 million of EU funding to support R&D projects

Ljubljana, 30 June 2017 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, issues grant decision for ''Call for proposals for incentives for R&D projects 2'', launched today by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. The amount made available under the call equals EUR 74.2 million, of which ERDF contribution accounts for 80 % or EUR 59.4 million.
The goal of the call for proposals is to foster R&D&I activities in enterprises or consortia in the scope of innovative R&D projects to develop new or significantly improved products, processes or services in priority areas of Slovenian Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4) in order to boost innovation, shorten time to market, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and strengthen their position within new and existing value chains, while boosting private investment in R&I.
The subject of the call for proposal is to co-finance the implementation of R&D&I projects of enterprises or consortia which seek to deliver new or significantly improved products, processes or services, developed to the extent of being approved in their final form and ready to use. Support will be given to at least 150 R&D&I projects of enterprises or consortia that deal with development of new or improved products, process or services with high added value and demonstrate market potential, which will help step up the competitiveness of involved enterprises.
Eligible R&D&I projects fall within so-called focus areas and/or technologies by S4 areas of application, i.e.:
- Smart cities and communities
2. Smart buildings and homes, including wood chain
3. Networks for transition into circular economy
4. Sustainable food production
5. Factories of the future
6. Health – medicine
7. Mobility
8. Development of materials as end products
For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology