EU support for short-term activation programmes

Ljubljana, 7 April 2017 - Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for ESI Funds, issues grant decision for the call for proposals ‘’Development and Implementation of Short-term Activation Programmes’’ making EUR 2.3 million available, of which European Social Fund contribution accounts for EUR 1.9 million or 80 %.
The subject of the call for proposals is to co-finance the projects that target development and implementation of short-term activation programmes and seek links to other activation, social protection, healthcare and employment programmes. Short-term activation programmes are designed for members of specific target groups to help them gain social skills and knowledge, while increasing their motivation, building skills to actively deal with potential social issues, and empowering them to enter the labour market.
The call for proposals consists of three lots, i.e. ‘’Building personal skills’’, ‘’Training for personal success’’, and ‘’Mobilising women from other cultural backgrounds’’. The call for proposals is to co-finance 18 projects involving development and implementation of activation programmes that importantly enhance social inclusion of target groups and improve their job prospects through an integrated approach.
Call for proposals ‘’Development and Implementation of Short-term Activation Programmes’’ has been published today in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.
For more information, refer to the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.