EU support for mobility of Primorska region students from low-income backgrounds

Ljubljana, 6 April 2017 - Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for ESI Funds, issues grant decision for the programme ‘’Mobility of Students from Low-income Backgrounds, University of Primorska’’, making EUR 32,000 available, of which European Social Fund contribution accounts for 80 % or close to EUR 26,000.
The programme seeks to enhance participation of Slovenian students from low-income backgrounds in mobility activities, and help students gain skills and competences to meet labour market demands, while increasing the overall effects of mobility. Mobility under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014-2020 will receive complementary financing by the Erasmus+ Programme: Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals that is implemented by the national agency Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes.
Studying abroad thanks to the programme, the students should gain valuable soft skills and improve communication, language and inter-cultural skills. On top of that, the programme should help build independent individuals equipped with teamwork skills and ability to adapt to ever changing situations. All this should substantially improve their job prospects after the study. More quality higher education that is internationally should, through integration of future graduates in the labour market, indirectly spur internationalisation of other walks of society too.
For more information, refer to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.