EU support for mobilising SMEs in wood industry

Ljubljana, 13 April 2017 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for ESI Funds, issues grant decision for Call for proposals for financial incentives for growth of SMEs in wood industry in 2017 mobilising EUR 400,000 in ERDF envelope. The call should be published tomorrow.
The call for proposals seeks to spur the growth of SMEs in wood industry by focusing on the development and commercialisation of products, processes and services, and the development of innovative business models. The objective is to pursue the roll-out of high added value products and services, and encourage linking of and sharing of experience and knowledge between the players in the forestry-wood chain.
The funding under the call for proposals will go to projects of SMEs that build on pursuing new and improved business and production processes in wood industry. Curbing the use of resources (raw materials, water, energy etc.) will be put at the heart of the agenda, while introducing the re-use/recycling of wood residue and waste and developing green products. Energy efficiency measures and measures promoting the use of renewable energy sources will be promoted to facilitate the transition to a circular economy.
For more information refer to the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Slovene Enterprise Fund.