EU support for 29 jobs for young sports graduates

Ljubljana, 2 August 2017 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, issued grant decision for the programme ''Young for the Young'' which makes nearly EUR 2.8 million of public funds available, of which almost EUR 2.3 million or 80 % come from the ESF.
The programme aims to provide jobs for 29 young graduates in sports education and kinesiology aged up to 29 years. Young graduates are to develop specific long-term employability skills by gaining hands-on experience, benefitting from intergenerational knowledge and experience sharing and participating in additional specialised training courses. Newly created jobs will also include delivery of organised physical activity for students at secondary vocational schools, which will importantly improve their health condition and motor skills, and will, in turn, maximize their work efficiency and productivity as well as economic and social development.
The programme will be implemented by public secondary schools and secondary school centres that deliver vocational education and training programmes, student residence halls, youth centres and other public institutions delivering secondary education and training, also by public higher education institutions stated in the Higher Education Act and student sports organizations in the scope of universities and higher education institutions.
For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and Planica Institute of Sports of the Republic of Slovenia