EU PROJECT, MY PROJECT 2017 – voting starts now

‘’In 2015, when I didn’t have a job, I was looking for a programme that would help me get more experience,’’ Polona opens up about her life story. She successfully participated in an on-the-job training programme whose goal was to put unemployed individuals back to work. The programme was co-financed by the European Social fund and helped Polona find a job.
How does your EU story begin?
Slovenia is wrapping up the 2007-2013 programmes as one of the most successful Member States. More than 5,700 projects have been delivered in the 2007-2013 period, many of them manifesting success stories and making the lives of people better. European Social Fund alone, which is marking its 60th anniversary this year, has helped almost 760,000 individuals in the last decade by supporting them in areas of education and training, user-friendly public administration, tackling unemployment and social exclusion, etc. We would like to present some of these projects on the occasion of Open Days MY PROJECT, EU PROJECT 2017.
Open Days will be held on 9 and 10 June 2017 and will feature winning projects that received the most votes via our website. Voting is open until 8 May 2017, and regional winners will be announced on Europe Day on 9 May 2017.
Project nominations were collected between 31 January and 15 March 2017. They are all about success stories of individuals, companies and organisations that received support from the European Social Fund, the European Regional development Fund or the Cohesion Fund. Delivering successful projects which create added value and win back the trust of Slovenian citizens in their country and the EU are the fundamental goal of EU cohesion policy implementation in the 2014-2020 period. Slovenia has more than EUR 3 billion available until 2023. 190 projects, calls for proposals or programmes worth almost EUR 940 million have already been supported by the available funding – they all have one thing in common - creating growth and jobs.