Eight subsidy contracts signed under Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria

Klagenfurt, 5 April 2017 – As of today, Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria is richer for yet another eight ERDF subsidy contracts. Signing of contracts with lead partners is an important milestone in cooperation between the two countries that has already proven to be very successful.
Bilateral cooperation between Slovenia and Austria is being further strengthened in the programming period 2014-2020, and the two countries are looking forward to seeing cross-border cooperation thrive and joining of forces in delivering projects that seek to improve the quality of life for population in the border area. Cross-border projects help to expand horizons, build understanding that diversity is a source of mutual enrichment, and raise awareness that what comes beyond is not ‘foreign’ but European, part of a mutual, European community.
The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy launched an open call for proposals with several deadlines for submission of funding proposals as early as December 2015. Eight funding proposals were selected in the scope of the second deadline, and subsidy contracts were signed today. The call for proposals provides close to EUR 45 million in ERDF funding to eligible projects promoters from both sides of the border (17 eligible regions: Gorenjska statistical region, Koroška statistical region, Savinjska statistical region, Podravska statistical region, Pomurska statistical region, Osrednjeslovenska statistical region, Goriška statistical region, Zasavska statistical region in Slovenia, and Eastern Styria, Western Styria, Southern Styria, Graz, Upper Styria – East and Upper Styria – West, Lower Carinthia, Klagenfurt – Villach, Upper Carinthia and Southern Burgenland in Austria) for projects that seek strengthening of cross-border competitiveness, research and innovation, promotion of environmental protection and use of renewables, building of institutional capacities and contribute to making public administration more efficient. The first deadline for submission of funding proposals was in February 2016. The second deadline, under which subsidy contracts were signed in Klagenfurt today, was set for 27 July 2016. Final approval decision was adopted by the Monitoring Committee in the beginning of February 2017. The Monitoring Committee consists of members of both countries. A total of ten projects worth about EUR 11 million in ERDF funding were approved (against 13 in the preceding deadline). Two projects are still being discussed. Information about approved projects is available at the website www.si-at.eu.
The third deadline under the call for proposals is already open making 45 % of the remaining funds available. Detailed information about the amounts available and the cut-off date will be available online at least two months prior to the closure of the call for proposals.
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy is pleased to see that these funding opportunities received much attention and positive response, and welcomes the fact that the entire procedure from the closure of the call to the signing of the subsidy contract has decreased considerably, which is the result of the electronic monitoring system and regular follow-up of the projects.