Accreditation of Managing Authority and Certifying Authority for Cooperation Programmes Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria, Slovenia-Croatia and Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020

Ljubljana, 6 April 2017 – Slovenian Government decides that Managing Authority and Certifying Authority for Cooperation Programmes Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria, Slovenia-Croatia and Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020 meet set accreditation criteria. Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy (GODC) as Managing Authority is to notify the European Commission (EC) of the date of accreditation of the two authorities.
Following a report and opinion of an independent audit body, Slovenian Government decided that GODC as Managing Authority and Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Regional and Rural Development as Certifying Authority for Cooperation Programmes Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria, Slovenia-Croatia and Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020 meet the set designation criteria which relate to internal control, risk management, management and control activities and monitoring. GODC is to notify the EC on behalf of Slovenian Government of the date of designation of the two authorities. The three cross-border cooperation programmes belong to the first package of European territorial cooperation programmes in the wider region to successfully complete the accreditation process.