Supporting town revitalisation: EUR 720,000 in EU funding for residential and non-profit office space in Novo mesto

Supporting town revitalisation: EUR 720,000 in EU funding for residential and non-profit office space in Novo mesto
Photo: Urban Municipality Novo mesto


Ljubljana, 18 November 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EUR 720,000 in ERDF funding for the project Main Square – Provision of residential units. The project is the latest in a series of projects supporting regeneration of degraded areas; in the past seven years, 11 urban municipalities received a total of EUR 74.5 million in EU funding to revitalise parts of towns.    

As part of the project, Urban Municipality of Novo mesto intends to restore part of a building on the Main Square which makes up the historic core of the municipality. More specifically, a total of over 1,600 square meters of net floor area in a three-storey building will undergo renovation, including eight apartments for rent and non-profit office space on the ground floor. The building will be fully renovated and refurbished to provide its residents with excellent living conditions, and revamped to offer new contents. The project is scheduled to be completed in the second half of 2022.

Eleven urban municipalities in Slovenia have received a total of EUR 74.5 million in ERDF funding in the programming period 2014-2020 to revitalise the degraded urban space. Overall, nearly 300,000 square meters of floor area in municipalities’ town centres have thus been renovated and revamped.

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