Škofja Loka and Gorenja vas residents to benefit from improved water services thanks to EU funding

Škofja Loka and Gorenja vas residents to benefit from improved water services thanks to EU funding

Ljubljana, 30 October 2020 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the project Supply of drinking water in the Sora River basin – Lot 2. The project, which will be implemented jointly by Municipality Škofja Loka and Municipality Gorenja vas is worth a total of 9.1 million euros and will receive a contribution from the Cohesion Fund amounting to nearly 3 million euros.  

The main goal of the joint project that brings together municipalities Škofja loka and Gorenja vas is to increase water security by providing efficient and reliable water supply and ensure that more residents are connected to the public water supply system.

The project, which is part of the Agreement on the development of Gorenjska region, includes the construction and improvements to hydraulic components of the 18,656-meter long water supply system, as well as the reconstruction of five forebays and construction of four spillways.

The project will secure efficient, reliable and safe water supply to over 22,000 residents in both municipalities.

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