REGIOSTARS 2021 - vote open

REGIOSTARS 2021 - vote open

Every year, the European Commission gives recognition to inspiring EU-funded projects that demonstrate innovative and inclusive approaches to regional development. The yearly competition has become a label of excellence and the winning projects a source of inspiration to other regions and project managers as they are at the center of EU-wide communication activities.

The nominated projects compete in five categories: Smart Europe, Green Europe, Fair Europe, Urban Europe and topic of the year. In 2021, Regiostars Awards are putting spotlight on projects with a meaningful impact in five areas that are key for the future of EU regional policy:  

SMART Europe: Increasing the competitiveness of local businesses in a digital world
GREEN Europe: Green and resilient communities in rural and urban settings
FAIR Europe: Fostering inclusion and anti-discrimination
URBAN Europe: Promoting green, sustainable and circular food systems in functional urban areas
TOPIC OF THE YEAR: Enhancing green mobility in the regions: European Year of Rail 2021

The independent jury has selected 25 finalists, five for each category of the 2021 Regiostars Awards. Get to know the finalists and read short descriptions of the projects HERE. You can vote for your favourite project by clicking the heart symbol. The vote is open until 15 November 2021.  

The project AlpBioEco that was co-funded by the Interreg programme Alpine Space is among the finalists in the category URBAN Europe.  

The winners of each category will be announced at the award ceremony on 2 December 2021.

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