Raising the quality of living: EU funding for the renovation of the Cesta španskih borcev neighbourhood in Ljubljana

Raising the quality of living: EU funding for the renovation of the Cesta španskih borcev neighbourhood in Ljubljana

Ljubljana, 16 March 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the project Renovation of the Cesta španskih borcev neighbourhood in Ljubljana. Total project costs stand at nearly EUR 2.2. million; the project will receive over EUR 430,000 in ERDF funding.

As part of this energy renovation project, the Ljubljana Public Housing Fund intends to renovate 36 housing units to make them more energy-efficient and resident-friendly. Renovation works will include the replacement of obsolete windows and doors with modern energy-efficient windows and doors, and upgrade or replacement of installations, such as cooling, heating and mechanical ventilation systems. Extensive renovation of the degraded urban residential neighbourhood will help improve living conditions, making the life of residents healthier, more enjoyable and more comfortable. The project will also contribute to revitalizing the neighbourhood.

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