Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for nearly 230 kilometers of new cycling routes across Slovenia

Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for nearly 230 kilometers of new cycling routes across Slovenia

Ljubljana, 13 September 2021 – Between July and mid-September 2021, Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy approved EU funding for the development of nearly 230 kilometers of new cycling connections across the country. The new cycling infrastructure will promote sustainable mobility and allow cyclists to enjoy in safe and comfortable rides to and between local and regional centers.

The European Regional Development Fund will support the construction of 228 kilometers of new cycling routes across the whole of Slovenia. The newly developed cycling connections will allow Slovenian citizens to plan daily trips to and between local and regional centers and will link municipalities across the country. The 29 cycle projects that will receive support from the European Regional Development Fund pursue three common goals: to promote sustainable mobility, especially utility cycling, to improve traffic safety and to reduce pollution.

A total of EUR 111.1 million have been invested in cycling routes across Slovenia in the programming period 2014-2020 - EUR 92.3 million in the scope of the mechanism Agreement for regional development and a further EUR 18.8 million in the scope of the mechanism Integrated Territorial Investments.  

Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has recently approved EU funding for the following cycling routes:  



  1. Ptuj-Hajdina-Kidričevo-Majšperk
  2. Borovnica-Breg
  3. Škofja Loka-Virmaše
  4. Bovec-Čezsoča
  5. Vuzenica and Muta
  6. Krško-Kostanjevica na Krki
  7. Karst – Project GEOMOB
  8. In Municipality Domžale
  9. Zagorje-Orehovica
  10. Lenart-Sveta Ana-Trate
  11. Lenart-Benedikt
  12. Lenart-Cerkvenjak-Trnovska vas
  13. Jarenina-Lenart-Zg. Senarska
  14. In Slovenj Gradec
  15. Bled-Bohinj
  16. Loka-Kandija
  17. Rogaška Slatina-Sp. Gabernik
  18. In Municipality Dobrova-Polhov Gradec
  19. Drska-Bršljin
  20. Nova Gorica-(Italija)-Vipolže-Dobrovo
  21. In Spodnja Idrija
  22. Celje-Štore-Šentjur
  23. Dravograd-Otiški Vrh
  24. In Urban Municipality Velenje and Municipality Mislinja (Huda luknja)
  25. Dobrna-Velenje
  26. Celje-Žalec
  27. Šentjur-Rogatec
  28. Šoštanj-Mozirje
  29. In Municipality Vrhnika
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