Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection Tolmin-Modrej

Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection Tolmin-Modrej

Ljubljana, 18 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region: Tolmin-Modrej. The project worth EUR 3.4 million will be implemented by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency under the Agreement on the development of the Goriška region and will receive EUR 2.1 million of European Regional Development Fund support. 

As part of the project, the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency will build a cycling connection on the section between Tolmin and Modrej, which is part of the national long-distance cycling connection Robič-Kobarid-Most na Soči-Nova Gorica-Komen-Divača-Ilirska Bistrica-Jelšane (the Soško-Kraško-Jadranska cycle route). The project includes the construction of a 2.81-kilometre cycling connection, the total length of which will amount to 4.6 kilometres at the end of the project.

The project will help reduce daily migration by car to increase the number of daily journeys made by bicycle and public passenger transport. This will, among other things, contribute to reducing pollution and improving the well-being of the population in the area, and improve conditions for safe cycling.


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