Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection in municipalities Radlje ob Dravi and Podvelka

Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection in municipalities Radlje ob Dravi and Podvelka

Ljubljana, 18 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Agreement on the development of region: the Drava cycling connection in the area of the Municipality Radlje ob Dravi and the Municipality Pdvelka, section Vas-Brezno. The project worth EUR 3.9 million will be implemented by the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency under the Agreement on the development of the Koroška region and will receive a good EUR 1 million of European Regional Development Fund support. 

In the area of the municipalities of Radlje ob Dravi and Podvelka, the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency will connect regional centres with surrounding areas via cycling routes and tracks. The project will result in the establishment of a cycling route in the total length of 5.24 kilometres, of which 4.02 kilometres will be newly constructed. This will give the local population better access to individual areas and services.

The project will contribute to realising the goals of sustainable mobility, including improving air quality and reducing noise, as well as promoting the active mobility of residents by encouraging them to use a bicycle for getting to work and school.


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