Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection between Postojna and Zagon

Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection between Postojna and Zagon
Photo: Klemen Razinger

Ljubljana, 3 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Cycling route Postojna-Hruševje-Grobišče-Zagon. The nearly EUR 3.9 million cycle project that will be implemented by Municipality Postojna under the Agreement on the development of the Postojnsko-Notanjska region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 1.75 million.

As part of the project, Municipality Postojna aims to develop a cycling route running between Postojna, Hruševje, Grobišče and Zagon and ensure that the existing and newly constructed sections are integrated into an interconnected, cohesive network of cycling routes. The newly developed route will be 7,390 metres long.  

With this project, the local authorities plan to increase the share of soft mobility as an important mode of transport used by local residents, relieve the town centre and main traffic arteries leading to the town of traffic burden, and contribute to improving overall air quality.



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