Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection between Lendava and Črenšovci

Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for a cycling connection between Lendava and Črenšovci
Photo: Pixabay

Ljubljana, 3 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Cycling route Lendava-Velika Polana-Črenšovci. The EUR 1.26 million cycle project that will be jointly implemented by Municipality Velika Polana, Municipality Lendava and Municipality Črenšovci under the Agreement on the development of the Pomurje region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 607,000.

The goal of the project is to develop a cycling route connecting the three municipalities in the east of Slovenia, i.e. Lendava, Velika Polana and Črenšovci.

The newly developed route will be some 6.7 kilometres long. A two-metre wide cycle lane running from the intersection of roads from Hotiza, Velika Polana and Žižki down the municipal street will be constructed in Velika Polana. A cycling route between Dolga vas and Trimlini will be developed in Municipality Lendava; this will be a two-way asphalt paved segregated track with road signs and markings running along the existing roads. Additionally, the existing sidewalk in Dolga vas will be extended by 135 metres to allow for connection of the planned cycling route to the existing road infrastructure. As part of the project, a cycling route running from the last house in the settlement Žižki to the field path on the border with Municipality Velika Polana will be developed in Municipality Črenšovci.   

This is an important regional project which will result in the increased number of daily cyclists who will enjoy going for a bike ride on safe and cohesive cycling routes.


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