Future Interreg ALPINE SPACE programme – programming exercise

Future Interreg ALPINE SPACE programme – programming exercise

Interreg ALPINE SPACE programme invites you to save the date for the upcoming online events that will take place in the scope of the programming exercise 2021-2027. The events will be held on 5, 10 and 12 May 2021 in the form of webinars and livestreams.

Interesting panel discussions as well as networking opportunities and first-hand information on the future Interreg ALPINE SPACE programme will inspire ideas and create opportunities for new cooperation partnerships in the shared Alpine space. Don't miss out on the opportunity to meet potential future partners and learn more about the priorities of the future programme.

Three two-hour interactive sessions will look into individual thematic areas of the future programme:

5 May, 10:00-12:00: How can we act for the adaptation and resilience of the Alpine region to climate change?

10 May, 14:00-16:00: How can we boost circular economy for a fair and sustainable growth?

12 May, 14,00-16:00: How can we foster social innovation for a green and inclusive recovery in the Alpine region?

Detailed events programme is being prepared. Additional information, including invitation and registration will be published on the dedicated programme website in mid-April.

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