Fostering entrepreneurship: Over EUR 300,000 in EU funding for a stronger supportive environment for social enterprises

Fostering entrepreneurship: Over EUR 300,000 in EU funding for a stronger supportive environment for social enterprises
Photo: Pixabay

Ljubljana, 2 November 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EUR 307,000 in ERDF funding for the Call for proposals for a stronger supportive environment for social enterprises. The call is the latest in a series of projects aiming to foster dynamic and competitive entrepreneurship for green growth. 

The call for proposals will help create an effective supportive environment for social enterprises both in Vzhodna Slovenija and Zahodna Slovenija cohesion region through the design of specific services, training, mentoring, collaboration and support for social enterprises.  The funding under the call will support a range of activities, including (1) information and support, (2) collaboration of social enterprises and collaboration of social enterprises with the local and regional environment as well as intersectoral collaboration, (3) training and workshops, (4) analysis and reporting. These activities will help build an effective supportive environment that will contribute to capacity building targeting social entrepreneurship actors, boost job creation and support cooperation with the local environment, research organisations, educational institutions and the economy with a view to facilitating market entry. 

The call for proposals will be open to consortium partners who have signed a consortium agreement setting out their rights and obligations concerning joint project implementation in accordance with the conditions of the call for proposals. The call will be published by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology on Friday, 5 November 2021.

A total of EUR 11.8 million in EU funding has already been allocated to social enterprises in the 2014-2020 programming period.

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