Fostering entrepreneurship: EU funding for the incubator urbaNMakerspace

Fostering entrepreneurship: EU funding for the incubator urbaNMakerspace

Ljubljana, 19 April 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the project UrbaNMakerspace. The nearly EUR 600,000 project that will be implemented by Urban Municipality Novo mesto in the framework of the Agreement on the development of the Jugovzhodna Slovenija region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 352,000.

As part of the project, municipal authorities intend to buy premises, and have office layout plan and interior design concept developed to create workspace for an incubator that will cater to the needs of innovative startups. The incubator urbaNMakerspace will offer workspace to aspiring innovative startups as well as a mechanical workshop boasting advanced robotics technologies. The incubator will provide help and support to innovative startups, it will serve as a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and expertise between entrepreneurs, and will spur the development of creative ideas.  

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