Fostering entrepreneurship: EU funding for a networked business incubator in Postojna

Fostering entrepreneurship: EU funding for a networked business incubator in Postojna

Ljubljana, 22 April 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Networked business incubator – stage three. The nearly EUR 1.5 million project that will be implemented by Municipality Postojna in the framework of the Agreement on the development of the Primorsko-Notranjska region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 783,000.

Municipality Postojna intends to establish a networked business incubator, i.e. a public organization offering nurturing business environment where resources, services and assistance will be provided to entrepreneurs and start-ups to help them develop, make it through their first years and grow. Additionally, the incubator will support job creation and networking through a number of training programmes and counselling services offered. It will foster growth of businesses, supporting their commercialization process and development of new business ideas. As part of the project, the building located in the eastern part of the Business zone Veliki Otok will be redesigned and equipped to house business facilities helping start-ups or prenatal businesses overcome infancy- or early-stage related obstacles, such as access to administrative support and management training, reduction of operational costs or support to growth.

The newly established networked business incubator will help increase the added value of SMEs in the region, improving importantly the overall quality of a range of services and resources provided by support environment to regional businesses and boosting the economy in the region.


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