Expanding Slovenia’s cycling network: EU funding for upgrading cycling route between Naklo and Kranj municipalities

Expanding Slovenia’s cycling network: EU funding for upgrading cycling route between Naklo and Kranj municipalities

Ljubljana, 12 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved funding for the project “DRR – Kranj-Naklo-Zadraga”. The project implemented by municipality Naklo under the Agreement on the Development of the Gorenjska Region is worth EUR 379 thousand with the European Regional Development Fund contribution standing at EUR 249 thousand.

As part of the project, municipality Naklo will develop the missing cycling infrastructure with associated equipment along the cycling connection Kranj-Naklo-Zadraga. The project will result in a new cycling connection between Duplje and Strahinj which will connect the settlements of Zgornje Duplje, Spodnje Duplje and Strahinj with the existing cycling connection Strahinj-Naklo-Kranj. This will connect the three settlements in municipality Naklo with the regional centre Kranj.

The investment covers the development of a cycling connection in the length of 2.55 kilometres. After project completion, the total length of the cycling connection will be 7.4 kilometres.

The investment will contribute to the development of sustainable mobility and urban mobility with the aim of improving urban air quality.

Photo: www.krskolesom.si

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