European funding for entrepreneurial training in the Podravje region

European funding for entrepreneurial training in the Podravje region

Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Entrepreneurial approach to addressing the challenges in Podravje - PONI Podravje”. The European Regional Development Fund will contribute a good EUR 1 million for the project which is worth almost EUR 1.4 million. This is the last of eight projects within the overall project “Entrepreneurial approach to addressing challenges”, which will be implemented throughout Slovenia. The project aim is entrepreneurial training of people who want to realise an entrepreneurial idea.


The main goal of the project Entrepreneurial approach to addressing the challenges in Podravje - PONI Podravje is to set up new companies, which will be opened by people with an entrepreneurial idea through entrepreneurial training. In order to encourage entrepreneurial activity and the successful development of business ideas, the first phase requires substantive support, which will be available to participants by internal and external mentors, external experts and entrepreneurs. The project includes the provision of substantive support activities, which provide groups of participants with employment and a supportive business environment for a period of four months, in which they can successfully develop and implement their own business ideas. The training programme takes participants from the development of a business idea to the creation of a business model and business plan, and comprehensively acquaints them with all important areas in entrepreneurship. Additionally, the project allows the participants to use physical infrastructure on a co-working basis.

The PONI Podravje project will be implemented by the Maribor Development Agency.

PHOTO: Freepik / Designed by cookie_studio

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