EU funding helps gain new knowledge in the field of education

EU funding helps gain new knowledge in the field of education

Ljubljana, 17 June 2020 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the “Call for proposals to co-finance vocational training of educational staff in short-cycle higher education and educators in non-formal education programmes for adults in the period 2020-2022”. The call for proposals is worth EUR 1,248,000 and will be implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. European Social Fund contribution amounts to EUR 1 million.  

The call for proposals seeks to train and enhance the competences of 2,400 educators. This will support the continuance of the high-quality educational work carried out within the short-cycle higher education programmes and the non-formal education programmes for adults. The newly-acquired competences will help address the development needs of the employers, reduce the skills and labour market needs mismatch, as well as contribute to the development of careers of the employees, their personal development and how they function in modern society.      

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