EU funding for two projects implemented under Sustainable Urban Strategy of the Urban Municipality Maribor

EU funding for two projects implemented under Sustainable Urban Strategy of the Urban Municipality Maribor

Ljubljana, 14 November 2019 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project for energy renovation of apartment buildings located on the Engelsova ulica street, and the project of revitalising the Vojašniški trg square in Maribor. The two projects are part of the Sustainable Urban Strategy of the Urban Municipality of Maribor that is co-funded under the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) mechanism.

Energy renovation of apartment buildings located on the Engelsova ulica street

The project, worth over EUR 1.45 million, will receive a good EUR 433,000 of Cohesion Fund support. 

The project will result in the improvement of energy performance of apartment buildings located on the Engelsova ulica street in Maribor, covering the refurbishment of the façade, replacement of the joinery, installation of addition insulation of the roof, installation of mechanical ventilation, and refurbishment of the celling in the cellar.    

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Infrastructure or the Urban Municipality of Maribor.

Revitalising the Vojašniški trg square and its facilities

The project, worth over EUR 6 million, will receive a good EUR 3.8 million of European Regional Development Fund support. 

By implementing the project, Urban Municipality Maribor will revitalise the city centre area, namely part of the Vojašniški trg square and its facilities. The area is marked with social, physical and functional degradation. The project will result in the renovation of areas of public use and facilities as well as in offering various topics to encourage people to visit the city centre.   

For more information, please contact the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning or the Urban Municipality of Maribor.

PHOTO: Jakše Jeršič

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