EU funding for the Maribor cycling network

EU funding for the Maribor cycling network

Ljubljana, 15 April 2019 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ESF, ERDF and Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project ‘’Development of cycling infrastructure between Maribor districts and local communities’’. The overall project budget stands at EUR 1.6 million, of which EUR 860,000 comes from the European Regional Development Fund.  

The project will support the development of a well-designed and organised cycling infrastructure that will encourage change in travel habits and behaviour by Maribor residents, and particularly, contribute to reversing the trend of increased car use by driving the shift away from cars. To this end, the project will include the development of a circular cycling network connecting Maribor districts and local communities to make rides as safe and pleasant as possible even for less experienced cyclists. Above all, the aim is to promote cycling as a safe, fun, healthy and low-cost way of getting around, as an alternative to cars. A 17-kilometre circular cycling route featuring the main artery and infrastructure with access function will be developed to connect the following areas of Urban Municipality of Maribor:  districts Tezno and Tabor, local community Razvanje and district MČ Ivan Cankar, districts Studenci and Pobrežje. The project will also include utility relocation (poles, sewer, water and gas mains and electricity and telecommunications cables), design and development of safe junctions for cycling, and setting up of urban equipment.  

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Infrastructure or Urban Municipality of Maribor

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