EU funding for the cycle path and footway across Canal Grande in Koper

EU funding for the cycle path and footway across Canal Grande in Koper

Ljubljana, 23 May 2019 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project ‘’Cycle path and footway across Canal Grande’’. Total project budget stands at EUR 787,000; the project will be co-financed by Cohesion Fund in the amount of EUR 224,000.

The investment is part of the Sustainable Urban Strategy of the City of Koper supported by Integrated Territorial Investments. Its goal is to regulate the banks of the canal and construct a cycle path and footway to connect both sides of the canal. The newly developed cycle path and footway will connect to the Piranska cesta road and the park along the Semedela promenade on one side of the canal, leading to the recreation area and open space on the other side of the canal. 137-meter long cycle path and 59-meter long footway will run across the park. The project also includes landscaping work and the setting up of a bike parking facility consisting of 12 bike racks. The project will help improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists, reduce negative environmental impact of motorised transport, promote sustainable mobility, and foster cycling as a safe, fun, healthy and low-cost way of getting around.  

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Urban Municipality of Koper

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