EU funding for the Celje cycling network

EU funding for the Celje cycling network

Ljubljana, 12 April 2019 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project ‘’Development of a network of cycling routes in the Urban Municipality of Celje’’. The overall project budget stands at a little under EUR 2.5 million, of which around EUR 1.2 million comes from the European Regional Development Fund.   

The project aims to support the development of a cycling route network in the municipality and provide an environment/infrastructure that supports so-called utility cycling at the local level. As many as 44 new sections will be constructed (some of them consisting of several sub-sections) featuring 30 kilometres of various types of bikeways either on one side of the street or both sides of the street, including a 2.5-kilometre stretch of shared use path. The activities will also focus on promotion and raising awareness of sustainable mobility through setting up of six information signs, installing of three bicycle counters and equipping three selected locations with a bike repair stand. The project includes revamping of the Janez Cvirn Street through landscaping and replanting activities.

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Urban Municipality of Celje.

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