EU funding for renovation of the Skate Park in Maribor and revitalisation of the rundown urban part of Velenje

EU funding for renovation of the Skate Park in Maribor and revitalisation of the rundown urban part of Velenje

Ljubljana, 7 November - Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project Renovation of the Skate Park, and the project ITI the Stari trg square. The two projects, worth over EUR 2.1 million, will receive European Regional Development Fund contribution in the amount of over EUR 1.3 million.

Project Skate Park

The project aims to revitalise the area of the existing skate park in the Urban Municipality Maribor. Access to the area will be established for all everyone, which will have a positive impact on socializing of generations and the revitalisation of the wider area. The space will no longer be an abandoned site but a landscaped surrounding, offering a useable facility and a new training ground for sports. The project will make 9,937m2 of revitalized area available. The proper arrangement of the area will reduce crime, as the park will be in use.

The project worth over EUR 600,000 will receive EUR 380,000 of European Regional Development Fund support.    

Project ITI the Stari trg square

The project will revitalise the rundown urban part of the town, which is overlooked and abandoned. The area represents untapped potential, so the implementation of urban renewal will encourage the reactivation of vacant and poorly utilized areas within the city. The project includes the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new facility. The aim is to acquire new premises for doing business. After the construction is completed, the entire facility will be available to new companies and craftsmen to perform various service and craft activities that will promote the development of small businesses and crafts in the old town.

The project worth over EUR 1.5 million will receive over EUR 980,000 of European Regional Development Fund support.  

Please contact the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning for more information.   

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