EU funding for participation of Slovenia in 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair

EU funding for participation of Slovenia in 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair

Ljubljana, 12 July 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Slovenia, guest of honour at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair – a model of building lasting recognition of Slovenian literary creativity abroad. The EUR 4.5 million project will be implemented by the Slovenian Book Agency and supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at nearly EUR 3.3. million.

The 2023 edition of the world’s most important book fair, the Frankfurt Book Fair, will feature Slovenia as the Guest of Honour. Slovenia’s appearance will be accompanied by a comprehensive high-quality programme that will put the entire spectrum of Slovenian literature and culture at the centre of the attention of international audience and media outlets. Promotion of Slovenian literature in international settings will make the country's literary creativity more recognizable and respected.

The project also aims to lead up to the creation of a stimulating business environment that will allow Slovenian publishing houses to grow, go international and increase sales in foreign book markets.


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