EU funding for P+R system in Celje

EU funding for P+R system in Celje

Ljubljana, 8 November 2019 - Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant award decision for the project ITI P+R Ulica XIV. divizije. The project worth a good EUR 420,000 will receive Cohesion Fund support in the amount of a good EUR 190,000.  

The project aims to promote sustainable forms of mobility such as increasing the share of cyclists in the city of Celje, reducing motorized traffic and promoting sustainable multimodal urban mobility.

The aim of the investment is to arrange the P+R junction between the Savinja River and the railway station in Celje, connecting it with sustainable modes of mobility, namely bicycles by switching from a car to more sustainable means of transport. Switching means of transport will be connected with the station of the public bicycle rental system or the use of own bicycles with the possibility of parking at bicycle stands and covered safe bicycle sheds.

The project will result in the construction of:

  • 35 parking spaces for cars
  • parking spaces for motor vehicles
  • space for installing bicycle parking stands
  • a plateau with a stand for electric bicycles, which will facilitate parking for ten electric bicycles
  • bicycle service stand provided for emergency bicycle repairs
  • secure covered bicycle shed and
  • eight parking spaces for mobile homes with the necessary equipment.

More information: Ministry of Infrastructure

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