EU funding for lifelong learning of headteachers

EU funding for lifelong learning of headteachers

Ljubljana, 14 September 2015 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for EU Structural and Investment Funds, has issued a grant-award decision for the project Lifelong learning of headteachers – training for leadership in schools and kindergartens IV. The project worth EUR 203,000 will receive European Social Fund support in the amount of EUR 173,000 in the framework of the 2007-2013 Cohesion Policy implementation.

The project Lifelong learning of headteachers – training for leadership in schools and kindergartens IV aims to strengthen collective empowerment of headteachers for leadership, distributed leadership, support management and pedagogical leadership. This project is the next project in a series of similar projects and focuses on upgrading and supporting the leadership in schools, the development of professional materials in the field of school leadership, evaluation of the programme and the spread of the results. The project represents an important addition in the field of education to the existing programmes for headteachers.

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.  

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