EU funding for expanding the business infrastructure in Ajdovščina

EU funding for expanding the business infrastructure in Ajdovščina

Ljubljana, 2 December 2019 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project Expansion of the business-economic infrastructure in the Business Zone Ajdovščina – Pod železnico 3. The project is worth a good EUR 645,000 with the European Regional Development Fund contribution amounting to EUR 245,000.  

The project will ensure that the Business Zone Ajdovščina has adequate infrastructure in place and good road access which will enhance the added value of small and medium-sized enterprises and create new jobs.

The project will result in a greater offer of the Business Zone with land with infrastructure in place that will facilitate the implementation of manufacturing, handicraft and service activities. 2.1 hectares of land will be services, of which 1.8 hectares will be used for doing business.

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology or Municipality Ajdovščina.    

Photo: Klemen Razinger

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