EU funding for the development of technologies supporting longer independent living

EU funding for the development of technologies supporting longer independent living

Ljubljana, 13 August 2018 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project ‘’Development of a pilot ICT project – assistive technology and ambient intelligence for enhancing independent living’’. The project will receive a total of EUR 1.9 million, of which EUR 1.5 million will come from the European Social Fund (ESF); EUR 802,000 will go to cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija and EUR 703,000 to Zahodna Slovenija.

Amid considerable gains in life expectancy across the globe, there is a clear and significant move towards home and community-based support and care options in the field of long-term care. This, in turn, calls for extensive adaptation of living environment of older people. The EU-funded pilot project, which includes the development of assistive technology and ambient intelligence systems to help the elderly maintain their independence and health while advancing new approaches for integrated care supported by ICT, aims to enable senior citizens over 65 to stay in their home environment as long as possible and to lead an active life with the help of assistive technologies specifically designed to enhance independent living. The system will provide for the connection of home care settings with a remote health monitoring centre by sending the relevant real-time data on seniors’ health, and, via this control centre, with health care institutions, assisted living facilities and nursing homes.   

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities


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