EU funding enables people with special needs to live a more independent life

EU funding enables people with special needs to live a more independent life

Ljubljana, 22 October 2020 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a grant decision for the project “Deinstitutionalisation of the Dom na Krasu Institute” worth more than EUR 6.7 million. European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to almost EUR 5.4 million. 

The purpose of the project is to provide living conditions or appropriate social infrastructure for the establishment of smaller housing groups, which will be supported by community services for independent living of users. As part of the project, two residential houses will be built, and approximately 13 flats or houses will be purchased and renovated to be used for accommodation, including equipment. This will provide the infrastructure needed to relocate a total of 70 residents in the Karst, Goriška and Obala. At the same time, two information points will be provided, which will enable the provision of services in the community, and three mobile units.

In March, Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy also supported the project “Living in Karst”, intended for the pilot implementation of deinstitutionalisation of the Dom na Krasu institution.

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