Ensuring safe access to drinking water: EU funding for water supply system in municipality Brežice and municipality Bistrica ob Sotli

Ensuring safe access to drinking water: EU funding for water supply system in municipality Brežice and municipality Bistrica ob Sotli

Ljubljana, 28 April 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project “Hydraulic improvements in municipality Brežice and municipality Bistrica ob Sotli – DRR”. The project worth EUR 8 million will be implemented by municipality Brežice and municipality Bistrica ob Sotli in the framework of the Agreement on the Development of the Posavje Region and will receive a good EUR 4 million of Cohesion Fund support.

The project “Hydraulic improvements in municipality Brežice and municipality Bistrica ob Sotli – DRR” is a joint project of the municipality Brežice and the municipality Bistrica ob Sotli. The project covers hydraulic improvements of the water supply system in the municipality Bistrica ob Sotli and three water supply systems in the municipality Brežice, namely the water supply system Brežice, Pišece and Bizeljsko.

The project covers connecting the water supply system Bistrica ob Sotli to the water supply system Bizeljsko which connects to the water supply system Brežice. The project will also result in constructing new sections of the water supply system which will enable connecting additional inhabitants who are not yet connected to a water supply system, as well as constructing sections that will result in hydraulic improvements of the water supply systems.

With the project, the municipality Brežice and the municipality Bistrica ob Sotli will enhance the security of drinking water supply for the inhabitants.

Photo: Pixabay

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