Ensuring safe access to drinking water: EU funding for upgrading water supply system in municipality Renče-Vogrsko

Ensuring safe access to drinking water: EU funding for upgrading water supply system in municipality Renče-Vogrsko

Ljubljana, 28 April 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project “Reconstruction and new construction for hydraulic improvements of water supply system Mrzlek”. The project worth EUR 2.6 million will be implemented by municipality Renče-Vogrsko in the framework of the Agreement on the Development of the Goriška Region and will receive EUR 1.3 million of Cohesion Fund support.

As part of the project, the municipality Renče-Vogrsko will ensure adequate drinking water supply from the water source Mrzlek and water source Hubelj. 3,560 inhabitants will benefit from a better drinking water supply.

The project covers the reconstruction and new construction of a water supply system with a total length of 4,600 metres. The municipality will reconstruct the main pipeline on the section between Bazara and Volčja Draga and on the section between Britof and Ranče, build the Bilje-Bukovica connecting water supply system and reconstruct the primary pipeline on the section between Renče and Žigoni and section between Renče and Arčnoni.

The project will result in reducing water losses in the area by 1,201 m³ annually.

Photo: Nea Culpa, Aljaž Sedovšek / slovenia.info

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