Ensuring access to safe drinking water: EU funding for the reconstruction of transit pipelines in the Podravje region

Ensuring access to safe drinking water: EU funding for the reconstruction of transit pipelines in the Podravje region
Photo: Polona Avanzo

Ljubljana, 18 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Reconstruction of transit water pipelines between Košaki and Počehova – Agreement on the development of region. The EUR 3 million environmental infrastructure project will be implemented by Municipality Šentilj on its own behalf and on behalf of municipalities Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Kungota, Lenart, Maribor, Pesnica, Sveta Ana, Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah and Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah under the Agreement on the development of the Podravje region. The project will receive a Cohesion Fund contribution amounting to nearly EUR 1.4 million.  

The goal of the project that will be managed by Municipality Šentilj is to secure hydraulic improvements to the public network supplying drinking water to as many as 31,867 residents in nine municipalities lying in the north-east of Slovenia, i.e. Benedikt, Sveta Ana, Cerkvenjak, Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah, Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah, Pesnica, Lenart, Kungota and Šentilj. Given that the respective transit water pipeline crosses the territory of Urban Municipality Maribor, the latter will participate in the project as a beneficiary municipality. As part of the project, 2,642 meters of water pipes will be installed, the water pumping station Košaki will undergo refurbishment and the associated pumps, fittings and appurtenances will be overhauled.

Once completed, the project will ensure better flow and pressure conditions, reducing the damage caused to the existing pressure pipeline and subsequent water loss. In the long run, the pipeline improvements will facilitate later connection of additional residents in respective municipalities to the public water supply system. In total, nearly 32,000 residents in the Podravje region will benefit from a safer, better and more reliable supply of drinking water.





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