Energy efficiency and young people

Energy efficiency and young people

What can we do for an energy-efficient tomorrow? What change do we have to make for a better future? Whose responsibility is this? So much more can be done and it is high time each and every one of us act now.

To this end, the European Commission is reaching out to schools across the European Union. By launching the ''Film4Energy Challenge'' video competition, the Commission invites 12-15-year-old schoolchildren to create a short film about the importance and benefits of saving energy and supporting energy efficiency for their schools and the wider environment.

The short video produced by the students should show how even small steps really can make a difference and what they can do to save energy in their daily lives, encouraging the use of more energy-efficient heating, cooling or transport alternatives.

The video competition is open between 1 October 2021 and 15 February 2022.

The winning videos will be disseminated on the social media channels of the European Commission, and the best entry will also be awarded an ''energy day'', organised at the winning school.

Learn more about the video competition here

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