EcoQuiz joins the Eco-Schools programme in 2021 and 2022

EcoQuiz joins the Eco-Schools programme in 2021 and 2022

The Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy offers many funding opportunities for the young; EU funds can support the young as they embark on an entrepreneurial path, try to find a job or wish to participate in education or training programmes.

We joined forces with the Eco-Schools programme, the largest global sustainable schools programme that empowers the young and produces responsible, environmentally conscious individuals who become ambassadors of sustainable development driven to make a difference and spur change in behaviour patterns in the community. The basic idea behind the programme is that young people will be the ones shaping our future and taking part in important decision-making processes at all levels in our lives.

The EcoQuiz project has been designed for secondary school students, their teachers and their parents. This year, it puts into spotlight two topics: Cohesion Policy and energy. The quiz gives important information about Cohesion Policy and the funding opportunities it provides. Through the quiz, the students, their teachers and parents get to learn more about where the EU money is spent in Slovenia to ensure equal opportunities for all Slovenians no matter where they live.

The competition EcoQuiz for secondary schools takes place on three levels: school, region and state. The competition at school level will take place on 10 December 2021. The students will need to go through a document providing basic information about the EU budget and EU funds, funding opportunities, financial flows and areas for which EU funding is available.  

The document is available here (in Slovene)

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