Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater infrastructure in the Dravinja River basin – Municipality Zreče

Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater infrastructure in the Dravinja River basin – Municipality Zreče

Ljubljana, 15 July 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Wastewater collection and treatment in the Dravinja River basin – Municipality Zreče. The EUR 5 million project will be implemented by Municipality Zreče under the Agreement on the development of the Savinjska region and supported by the EU, with the contribution from the Cohesion Fund standing at a good EUR 1.3 million.

As part of the project, Municipality Zreče will construct 12,554.52 metres of secondary sewarage and five pumping stations to connect 742 inhabitants to the wastewater collection and treatment system that ends with adequate treatment at the wastewater treatment plant for 8,500 population units. The main goal of the project is to reduce emission into water.   

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