Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater infrastructure in Municipality Lenart

Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater infrastructure in Municipality Lenart
Photo: Klemen Razinger (photo shown for illustration purpose only)

Ljubljana, 23 April 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Wastewater infrastructure in Municipality Lenart. Total project cost of this environmental infrastructure project that will be implemented in the framework of the Agreement on the development of the Podravje region amounts to EUR 5.6 million, with nearly EUR 2.8 million coming from the European Regional Development Fund.

As part of the project, Municipality Lenart intends to construct a central wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 4,950 PE, including the accompanying retention and detention facilities. The existing wastewater treatment plant located by the Globovnica River will be retrofitted – a pumping station will be constructed and a pressure sewer system on the section Lenart-Radehova installed.  

The newly set up public sewage system will serve the entire agglomeration feeding wastewater in the central wastewater treatment plant as its end point. Additionally, sludge from septic tanks and small wastewater treatment plants generated by most entities located outside the settlement Lenart will be fed in the wastewater treatment plant.

The project seeks to reduce water pollution and effluent emissions thus ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive.

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