Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater collection and treatment in the Upper Sava River basin

Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater collection and treatment in the Upper Sava River basin

Ljubljana, 26 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Wastewater collection and treatment in the Upper Sava River basin – Municipality Tržič. The project implemented by the municipality Tržič under the Agreement on the Development of the Gorenjska region is worth EUR 10.4 million with the Cohesion Fund contribution standing at EUR 2.5 million.

As part of the project, the municipality of Tržič will develop an 11,758-metres long sewage network of which 10,707 metres will be a catchment sewage and 1,051 metres a pressure channel. The project will also support the construction of ten pumping stations.      

The project will result in 1560 inhabitants of Tržič being newly connected to the wastewater collection and treatment network thus resulting in a 98.77% connection rate in the Tržič agglomeration. The municipality of Tržič will hence reduce water pollution.     

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