Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater collection and treatment in municipality Hajdina

Clean water for a green Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater collection and treatment in municipality Hajdina

Ljubljana, 23 July 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Wastewater collection and treatment – Municipality Hajdina. The EUR 1.1 million wastewater infrastructure project that will be implemented by Municipality Hajdina under the Agreement on the development of the Podravje region will be supported by the EU, with the contribution from the Cohesion Fund amounting to EUR 446 thousand.    

As part of the project, quality wastewater infrastructure will be developed in the agglomeration Hajdoše, namely constructing sewerage in the settlements Slovenska vas, Hajdoše and Skorba. Additional 336 residents will benefit from the measures to improve wastewater treatment. Additionally, the project will significantly reduce water pollution. 

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