Clean water for a clean Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater collection and treatment in the Sora River basin

Clean water for a clean Slovenia: EU funding for wastewater collection and treatment in the Sora River basin

Ljubljana, 1 April 2021 – Government Office has issued a funding decision for the project Wastewater collection and treatment in the Sora River basin – Municipality Škofja Loka. This EUR 2.8 million environmental infrastructure project will be implemented by municipality Škofja Loka under the Agreement on the development of the Gorenjska region and will be supported by the EU with the Cohesion Fund contribution totalling EUR 793,000.

The project will support the development of a 3,904-metre long collecting system and construction of three pumping stations in the area of Škofja Loka. In total, 313 PE will be newly connected to the system, of which 276 PE representing households and 37 representing economic activities. The project will improve municipal connection rate figures, ensuring that the public wastewater infrastructure serves as many as 98.84% PE of the agglomeration once the project is completed.   

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