Clean energy for green Slovenia: EU funding for small solar power plants

Clean energy for green Slovenia: EU funding for small solar power plants

Ljubljana, 26 April 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the “Call for proposals to co-finance the construction of new small-scale solar facilities (JR VE OVE 2021)”. The total amount available under the call for proposals is EUR 10 million with the Cohesion Fund contribution standing at EUR 5 million.

The call for proposals offers grants for the co-financing of the purchase and installation of solar electricity production facilities of up to 10 MW, also covering the purchase and installation of such facilities for self-sufficiency in electricity and electricity storage facilities.

The Ministry of Infrastructure is expected to publish the call for proposals, which is open to companies and private entrepreneurs, on Friday, 30 April 2021.

Photo: Klemen Razinger

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