Clean energy for a green Slovenia: EU funding for small wind energy systems

Clean energy for a green Slovenia: EU funding for small wind energy systems
Photo: Pixabay

Ljubljana, 9 March 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a funding decision for the Call for co-financing the installation of small wind power plants. The total amount of funding available under the call stands at EUR 4 million and comes from the Cohesion Fund.

The call provides grants supporting wind projects which entail new offshore wind installations with power capacity varying between 50 kW and 10 MW per single unit or not exceeding 10 MV per group of small wind turbines that jointly apply for funding under the call. Once completed, the projects will make a significant contribution to increasing the share of renewable energy in total energy production in Slovenia.  

The call is open to companies and sole proprietors and will be published by the Ministry of Infrastructure on 12 March 2021.



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