Building renovation for a more comfortable and sustainable learning environment: Energy-efficient renovation of the Soča Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities Centre

Building renovation for a more comfortable and sustainable learning environment: Energy-efficient renovation of the Soča Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities Centre
Photo: Facebook page of Soča Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities Centre

Ljubljana, 27 May 2022 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Energy-efficient renovation of the Soča Curricular and Extra-Curricular Centre.

As part of the project, the building that houses the Soča Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities Centre will undergo energy-efficient renovation. Works will include additional thermal insulation of the facade, replacement of worn-out windows and doors with energy-efficient solutions, and insulation of the flat roof. In addition, the existing heating system will be replaced, the ventilation system in the kitchen, dining hall and classrooms improved, and a heat pump water heater installed. Moreover, the project foresees the installation of thermal valves and variable frequency drives on pumps to enhance the heating system, upgrade of the heating system, installation of a compensation device, and installation of the central monitoring system for energy management, which will be coupled with a set of organisational measures supporting energy efficiency.

Altogether 3,219 square meters of net floor area will be renovated once the project is completed.

The project will be supported by the Cohesion Fund.

Investments in energy renovations pave the way towards green transition and help deliver comfortable and healthy learning environments.

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