Boosting the economy in the Podravje region: EU funding for the Kidričevo Small Business Zone

Boosting the economy in the Podravje region: EU funding for the Kidričevo Small Business Zone

Ljubljana, 13 July 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Kidričevo Small Business Zone. The EUR 4.7 million development project will be implemented by Municipality of Kidričevo under the Agreement on the development of the Podravje region and will receive nearly EUR 2.1 million in ERDF support.

As part of the project, the municipality intends to develop and extend the industrial area which includes the small business zone. To this end, the basic utility infrastructure will be laid, including water and sewer lines, energy and telecommunication cables, and a road connecting the site to the western Kidričevo bypass will be constructed. The site improvement will allow the businesses, which drive local job creation, to normally operate and further grow. The modern logistic center is planned to attract new investors. The goal of the project is to foster entrepreneurship and create a stable business environment providing all necessary services in one place.

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